Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Emergency Service Managment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Emergency Service Managment - Research Paper Example The first recognized fire protection in America had started in the year 1648 in New York City. At that time, the fire divisions were voluntary organizations. The substantial losses due to massive fire-related incidents stimulated changes in fire emergency services in the United States. The hazards of fire created the demand for stringent fire safety systems and mechanisms and professional fire service providing organizations. The responsibility of fire protection in the United States has remained local because of its centralized form of government. The national government controls the fire emergency services in almost 25 states. Nowadays, the United States has approximately 30542 fire divisions. There are differences that exist such as organizational or technical which at times prevent many departments from assisting each other through major fire emergency situations (Smeby 1-3). Insurance Service Office (ISO) Majority of the consistent practices in the fire divisions of the United S tates which exist in present days is a direct consequence of Insurance Service Office. The insurance industry requires methods for encouraging the fire divisions to be well-equipped for major fire-related losses and to enhance the capability to provide emergency services independently (Smeby 1-3). ISO is a profit generating organization which gives a rating to all â€Å"Fire Departments† in the United States. It performs rating reviews in the field of public fire safety. ISO helps insurance organizations, fire divisions and insurance officials by delivering significant information about fire related risks. ISO has been in action since 1971 and it uses a scheme named FSRS in order to evaluate the degree of efficiency of fire services. FSRS evaluates potential dissimilarities between cities regarding the abilities to

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